Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dex and Deb Meet Casey!

Dex and Deb ventured out today, or rather I let them out of the room they've been staying in to give momma cat some peace to eat (both kittens have been trying to eat their mom's food--especially Fancy Feast when I feed it to her), and they were introduced to my 2 cats Noodle and Casey. Noodle, who for whatever reason, detests kittens just hissed and walked away....But my cat Casey laid down on the bed next to them, ear slightly bent back as if to say "who the heck are you" and didn't seem to mind them. Dex and Deb just stared at Casey as if in awe of his mammoth size (mama cat is only 5-6lbs) It was a really cute moment so I snapped a picture! I also took a couple of cute shots of the kittens while they were climbing all over me and my bed!

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