Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Little Babes:)

Dex and Deb had a blast today playing all over me and my bed:) They climbed up pillows, through pillow cases, in my hair...they chased each other and had a blast! They are growing up so fast! I actually saw Deb eat a couple bites of dry kitten food today, she is still nursing pretty intensely, Dex is kinda like "whatever" and will do both...But they are making excellent progress and are sweet little things:) Here are some pictures of them:) With captions:)

Dex says "Excuse me while I naw on your pillow"

This is Deb's classic "Who Me?" pose

Dex says "I'm even cuter when I tilt my head"

In this he is stalking his sister lol

Deb says "I am watching you bro, don't even try it!?"

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